Crop Consulting

Crop Consulting

Why wait years to correct an issue we could have found sooner?

We help farmers do what they do, better. Greene Crop Consulting will customize solutions for your fields addressing each concern with a solution. Your fields are unique and we help you see that every field is taken care of.


  • Soil Sampling
  • Fertility Recommendations
  • Nitrogen Sampling
  • Scouting
  • VR Prescription Writing
  • Yield Map Processing
  • Stalk Nitrate/Tissue Sampling
  • Manure Analysis
  • Hay Sampling and Analysis
  • Tile Line GPS Mapping
  • Continuous Communications

What is different about our soil sampling and why do you need it? We will create management zones of your fields broken out by soil type. Next we will pull soil samples and send them to the Brookside Labs for soil health analysis. We get you the results to make pivotal decisions regarding fertilizer application when the timing is crucial to keep you on schedule. Our Agronomists will guide you to make the smartest decisions to increase your yields and keep costs low. 

Quality Lab Analyses

We rely on quality lab services and expertise through Brookside Labs. Through Brookside Labs, we are part of the Amplify network which which gives us access to extensive training and approximately 200 plant and soil experts.